Regain Your Energy, Re-kindle your Passion and Realize Your Inner Sexy

Week 1: Let's Get Physical

This week we start with the “physical root cause” of imbalance. You will learn how to begin understanding what your body is trying to tell you. Symptoms are not to be killed, but listened to. Your body tells you what it needs but we never learned the language it uses. The feedback your body gives you can be gentle or harsh, depending on how loud it has to turn up the volume for you to listen. You will start with a food program that is designed to boost your libido and gently detox your hormone pathways. Your journey to a body you love starts here! Each week has a webinar, multiple handouts, resources, and tracking tools to keep you organized.

Week 2: Is It My Hormones? Getting off of the Detox-Retox Rollercoaster

This is the week of hormones. You will learn about your thyroid, your adrenal glands, your pancreas, and your brain. I provide you with a short manual of “normal” laboratory ranges so you know what to look for when you get your lab work done. Functional medicine “normal” is not the same as conventional medicine “normal." You will get the opportunity to do a salivary adrenal and hormone test kit and work with one of my trained integrative medicine health coaches to individualize a program to balance your entire endocrine system naturally. This is a special priced offering only for participants of the Libido Cure Program.

Week 3: Libido Means Healthy Gut Microbes

This is the week of the digestive tract. Yes, your libido and vitality are based on a healthy gut. You will learn how to read your tongue, your stools, and your skin to gauge your gut health. You will also get the opportunity to do a stool test if you want to. Again, a special offer is extended only for the Libido Cure participants to work with an integrative medicine health coach to individualize a gut program if you suspect you have parasites, yeast or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth after hearing the lecture material. The road to a healthy libido is a twisting and winding one through the intestinal tract! You will notice that by now your skin is starting to glow, your energy is improving and your body is re-shaping itself. Time to work with the mind.

Week 4: What’s in Your Head Goes to Your Bed

This is the week of the mind. You will begin to uncover the beliefs that enhance vitality and those that drain your sex drive. You will explore some powerful mental techniques to re-wire your brain and re-set your beliefs if they are not serving you. We will explore mismatched sexual desire between partners in this module and communication techniques to enhance your experience of physical and emotional intimacy.

Week 5: The Impact of Held On to Hurt on Sexual Desire

Did you know that emotional pain is more debilitating to vitality that physical pain? You will learn the role of the heart in your health, vitality and libido. You will be introduced to a powerful forgiveness practice that you can only learn in the Libido Cure Program. Did you know that there are hundreds of scientific studies that indicate forgiveness is a tool that can reverse many chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease? It’s true! One of those studies is one I conducted. It showed that forgiveness was a method that can be employed to regain libido. Emotions are one of the 5 root causes for low libido and vitality. You will learn how to do some very easy practices that can free you from depression and anxiety and increase your sense of wellbeing.

Week 6: Mapping Your Libido Story

This is one of the most powerful modules in the whole program and my personal favorite. I am the only one who teaches about your Libido Story because it’s part of what came out of my study on women. You will learn how to understand the meanings you made up as a child to match your experiences. Those meanings led to beliefs. Those beliefs are now informing your adult behaviors. If you are self-sabotaging and not caring for yourself in a loving way…it’s because of those pesky childhood beliefs! You will get a workbook that will guide you through this process. The women who take this course tell me that this is incredibly powerful for them and also very liberating. The beliefs I am referring to are largely unconscious until you do something like this program to bring them to light. Once they are in the light you get to re-write them, and thus re-write your story if it’s not one you like. I love this module! You will get so many life altering tools!

Week 7: Integrating Your Sexuality with Your Spirituality

Most women know that connection with another is a deeply spiritual experience. We also know that sexual experiences are when we are the most vulnerable. It takes a lot of trust to open yourself up to another in all of the ways necessary to form a truly intimate bond. That intimate bond must be forged with yourself before it can be built with another. This module will explore how you can do that. It doesn’t matter what religion, spiritual tradition, or path you follow (or don’t follow). You will learn how to get fully grounded with you so that you can be grounded with another. This is another powerful module and you can go as deep with it as you like. You will be asked only to journal about your observations. There is no other homework. It’s easy and it’s interesting and it’s illuminating to see how our cultural story infuses our sexual one. You will tie the whole 7-week process together in this module through a framework from Ayurvedic Medicine called the “pancha koshas”. The pancha koshas are the 5 layers of you; physical, energetic, emotional, mental and bliss. You will see how all 7 weeks of the Libido Cure program have helped you detox and align each of these layers so that you can be blissfully vital. You will also be given a meditation practice for all 7 of your energy centers that you can use to integrate the program into your life “post program”. This is all optional, but useful in keeping and deepening the learning that you get each week.

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