Using Precision Medicine To Find The Root Causes of Your Autoimmune Symptoms and Discover Your Personal Path To Health.

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What Does Precision MEDICINE Mean For Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune disease is caused by your body attacking itself. That one fact is the biggest reason that traditional medicine often fails so badly when it comes to helping people heal. Why? Because traditional medical advice is based on averages and it’s generic. Your autoimmune symptoms aren’t! The only way to truly heal from autoimmune conditions is to identify the specific trigger(s) in your biology that is causing them. Anything else is a guess, or worse, a bandaid placed over a symptom that could get more serious over time since the root causes haven’t been addressed.
Precision medicine testing is the only way to make sure that the true cause of autoimmune symptoms is addressed and that the real problem is actually solved! That is the foundation of the Unzip Your Genes system. It’s the perfect starting point to discover what is actually impacting your health and more importantly, what you need to do to fix it!
With this package you’ll not only get the latest testing for your genetics, hormones and adrenal patterns, but also a one-on-one consultation with me to really drill down into the information and give you a concrete health plan that is as unique as you are.

What You’ll Get From Your Consultation

1. A genetic test to find out what you need to do to fix your health

- Find the genetic markers responsible for your weight, mood and energy. 

Once you have purchased a DNA kit Dr. Keesha will utilize your DNA report to find the root cause of your symptoms, providing her with a deeper knowledge on how to reverse auto-immune disease, prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many types of cancers.

2. A Genetically Personalized Diet and Detox Plan

From your test, you'll receive in-depth, detailed reports about the factors influencing your health where you will be able to see the exact genetic and hormonal factors affecting you and your body’s appetite, mood, metabolism, taste, hunger, sleep patterns, and even how you handle stress. This report will be yours to keep so that you can continue to get value even after your consultation with Dr. Keesha.

3. Improved Weight Loss and Nutrition

In addition to a genetically optimized diet plan, you’ll learn how to tailor your nutrition to be in perfect alignment with your body's needs. These plans have been shown to help people lose 33% more weight and gain more lean mass. A follow-up to a Stanford University weight loss study showed 28% greater weight loss in people who followed a diet guided by their genomic data.

4. Clean Body, Clean Mind

In addition to creating the perfect diet for your unique health, you’ll also get a plan to soothe your hormones, stabilize your adrenals and balance your body and brain chemistry. By addressing the root causes in your body and lifestyle you can reduce or eliminate brain fog, mood swings, anxiety and a host of other side-affects of the stresses on your body that you may not even be aware of.

5. Work One-on-One with

Dr. Keesha

Dr. Keesha is a leading expert in the reversal of autoimmune disease, trauma healing and holistic, whole-body health. 

Her unique blend of spiritual healing combined with cutting edge scientific testing has allowed her to help thousands of patients and has lead to her being recognized as an instructor by international institutions in the fields of nutrition and health. 

In your one-on-one session with her you’ll get insights into her proprietary approach and learn exactly what steps you need to take to not just feel better, but better than ever with a diet and lifestyle that are optimized for your body, and your spirit.

Optimize Your Life With 

Genetic Medicine

After your consultation you'll have all the information you need to understand how you can not only reinvigorate your body, but balance your mind and make friends with the person you will start to see in the mirror. You’ll walk away with an action plan that isn’t just based on generalities, but is truly YOUR plan.

What Does Precision 

Medicine Mean?

Autoimmune disease is caused by your body attacking itself. That one fact is the biggest reason that traditional medicine often fails so badly when it comes to helping people heal. Why? Because traditional medical advice is based on averages and it’s generic. Your autoimmune symptoms aren’t! The only way to truly heal from autoimmune conditions is to identify the specific trigger(s) in your biology that is causing them. Anything else is a guess, or worse, a bandaid placed over a symptom that could get more serious over time since the root causes haven’t been addressed.
Precision medicine testing is the only way to make sure that the true cause of autoimmune symptoms is addressed and that the real problem is actually solved! That is the foundation of the Unzip Your Genes system. It’s the perfect starting point to discover what is actually impacting your health and more importantly, what you need to do to fix it!

With this package you’ll not only get the latest testing for your genetics, hormones and adrenal patterns, but also a one-on-one consultation with me to really drill down into the information and give you a concrete health plan that is as unique as you are.

Don't just get a health plan,

Learn What Your Health Needs!

Dr Keesha is a marvellous health instructor who, as part of her work, trains other practitioners and nutritionists on how to effectively treat and heal their clients. In your one-on-one consult you’ll have access to a world renowned expert who will teach you how to:
Find natural solutions to help heal nutritional deficiencies and repair the damage that has been done to your body.
Strategies to identify toxins and lifestyle choices that stress your system and destroy your metabolism and how you can avoid them.
Eliminate other issues that may be contributing to body dysfunctions like autoimmune disease, thyroid disorders, or metabolic issues.

© Dr. Keesha Ewers 2025

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