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"The Mystic

Medicine Doctor"

Dr. Keesha Ewers brings a comprehensive approach to health. Specializing in autoimmune disorders, trauma healing and integrative medicine.

Autoimmunity Means You Are at War with Your Own Body. Let me help.

Autoimmunity Means You Are at War with Your Own Body. Let me help.


Demystifying Detox

Dr. Keesha’s 28 day detox program

Learn how to stay off the detox-retox roller coaster! Join Dr. Keesha for a 28 day deep dive into how she implements and uses her different practices for self-care on all levels – Body, Mind and Spirit.


Products and Services



Dr. Keesha is my life line.

The case studies and the modules are amazing and motivational. I am so excited and grateful for this introduction to functional medicine and autoimmune wellness. My standard medical training has not prepared me to heal myself or truly help the constant flow of women and men seeking help for weight loss, belly fat, brain fog, fatigue, constipation, diminished libido, etc. Now I understand why the universe guided me to this clinic. I am so grateful to Dr. Keesha and the tribe for guidance and support as I start my healing and educational journey. Would love to join you at a future retreat. - Ronda



As an Autoimmune Wellness & Integrative Medicine Medical Provider, I have specialized my clinical focus in digestive and hormonal health and in reversing autoimmune disease.

I do not practice primary care medicine. If you are ready to work with someone who will really listen to your story and get to the root causes of your problem, then apply to be a patient now.

Legal Notice

Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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What People Say

Become a Patient!

I do not practice primary care medicine. If you are ready to work with someone who will really listen to your story and get to the root causes of your problem, then apply to be a patient now.

As an Autoimmune Wellness & Integrative Medicine Medical Provider, I have specialized my clinical focus in digestive and hormonal health and in reversing autoimmune disease.

Frequently Asked


What is Functional Medicine?

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. —Thomas A. Edison.

Functional medicine seeks to control or reverse each person's physiological imbalances through individualized treatment of the whole person rather than a set of symptoms. A partnership is established between client and medical provider as connections are made between genetics, environment, lifestyle factors, individual physiology, and the context in which disease is created. It is a wonderful complement to conventional allopathic medicine, as it goes deeper and gets to the root cause. It is also a wonderful complement to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, as it proves what was known 5,000-10,000 years ago through current day scientific research..

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. —Ayurvedic Proverb.

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. Both disciplines arose thousands of years ago from the ancient texts of India known as the Vedas. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which means the science of life, (Ayur means “life” + Veda which means “science” or “knowledge”).

The Ayurvedic system allows for the uniqueness of each individual. It divides people into body types and provides a framework with which to choose correct diet, proper exercise, breathing techniques, and much more that we in the West seldom pay attention to in our daily routines. Ayurveda is a journey to wellness through balance. Ayurveda empowers the individual to take care of themselves!

How long will it take for my program to work?

Dr. Keesha usually asks her clients to think back to how long it took them to feel unwell. This approach is a lifestyle change, not a magic pill (which does not exist). The time it takes to feel fabulous will vary from person to person. Over the course of the last decade of using this approach, Dr. Keesha has seen people improve within the first month and others take 6 months or more.

There is a general rule of thumb that says that for each year you have been suffering from an illness, it will take you one month to repair it. Dr. Keesha is here to act as your coach and cheer leader and medical detective, but it really is you who has to make the changes in your life for transformation to take place.

Which labs are being used and why?

Dr. Ewers has found over the years that like anything else, quality varies between labs, and for that matter, supplement companies as well. The companies that Dr. Keesha has chosen through the course of years of trial and error are laboratories she has confidence in and has seen consistent quality from. They have the highest testing standards and excellent quality control. Remember that these tests are not primary care labs. They are Integrative Medicine tests. This means they are meant to be used to detect problems before the onset of severe disease. They do not replace your regular medical run by your primary care practitioner.

How do I pay for local blood work in the Seattle area?

Dr. Keesha's team has negotiated amazingly discounted cash lab fees with both Pac Lab and Quest Diagnostics.

You can take advantage of these cash prices by:

1. Prepay our office and then we will pay the lab directly for you. If you have minimal to no insurance coverage or a high deductible, this will be a great option for you. However, you will not be able to submit for insurance reimbursement if you choose this route due to the steep discount.

2. The lab submits the bill directly to your insurance and then bills you for the difference.

Can I purchase supplements from somewhere else?

Yes, you can. However, just as Dr. Ewers expects a standard of excellence out of a laboratory, she expects the same from nutritional supplements. This is not always easy to find. The FDA does NOT regulate the supplement industry. Dr. Keesha has chosen to only work with companies who undergo rigorous outside testing and quality control and meet the highest industry standards. She carries her own line of the highest quality supplements she has been able to find and has them formulated to achieve the best results in the right doses. We do not know how to find equal brands and encourage you to be very careful and use due diligence in your research if you use other companies.

Are there discounts for multiple family members who are all doing wellness programs?

Couples can sit in for an hour consultation together. Dr. Keesha always says, “4 ears are better than 2” and believes strongly in the power of community support. This is a “2 for 1 deal.” Children of an adult in the program do not have to have an initial consultation fee with the intake coordinator. We can send lab kits and Dr. Keesha will start right in with lab results with the parent.

Do you act as a primary care provider?

No. When you are not being seen in person at Fern Life Center, we do not take insurance and we do not act as your primary care provider. Dr. Keesha will be acting as your health coach when conducting telephone consultations and online teaching programs.

How long does a typical hormone protocol take? 

It usually takes about 4-6 months to get hormones balanced and adrenals back on track. This is of course very individual.

What is your return/refund policy?

We want all of our clients to be completely satisfied with their care at We require pre-approval for returns and cannot accept refrigerated items back. A 15% restock fee of purchase price less shipping and handling can be refunded on unopened items that are returned within two weeks of purchase. Special orders cannot be returned. Prepaid tests can be returned for full refund minus shipping and handling within 1 month of purchase.

Can I email Dr. Keesha Ewers?

Dr. Ewers answers email within 24 hours on business days Monday through Thursdays. If you have not received an answer in that time frame she did not receive your email. She will answer 1-2 brief questions per week about your protocol or symptoms. However, if you have more complex questions that require back and forth communication, Dr. Keesha will recommend scheduling a 15-minute phone consultation.

How is Functional Medicine with Dr. Keesha different?

Dr. Keesha integrates her Board Certification and training in Functional Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, psychotherapy, sexology, and energy work into an integrative medical model that goes beyond functional medicine.

Dr. Keesha’s method addresses the root causes to your issues by asking WHY you are experiencing what you are experiencing. She has identified 5 root causes for ALL disease. They are disruptions located in the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual systems or inside the context of your life experiences—what she calls your Health Story®.

Dr Keesha personalizes her treatment approach by using laboratory testing specifically targeted to your story, which gets to the root cause. She calls this medical detective work and is passionate about teaching others how to do this for themselves and for others.

What is Functional Sexology®?

Functional Sexology is the art and science of getting to the root cause of lack of sexual desire by really listening to people’s story, testing and correcting imbalances, and unblocking areas that fuel vitality.

Functional Sexology integrates the cutting edge research of functional medicine, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the healing compassion of psychotherapy and the client’s story.

The practice of Functional Sexology includes testing and correcting for genetic, cellular, and biochemical reasons for disruptions in the 4 “F”s: feeding, fighting, fleeing and mating (you get the picture on that last “f”).

Learning Functional Sexology also includes learning tools that can help heal old cognitive beliefs that are not serving a life filled with vitality. It turns out that life really IS ALL ABOUT SEX!

In the world of Functional Sexology, the SEX system™ stands for:S: stress, sex and self-beliefs, safety (immune and emotional), spiritualityE: elimination, endocrine, energy (cellular and nutrition), epigeneticsX: eXcretion (detoxification pathways)

How many lab tests will I have to do?

It depends on how many issues you are struggling with and how long you have not been feeling well. Most people have an average of 1-4 tests ordered. These tests are obtained through highly specialized laboratories that are expert in Functional Medicine testing. They will not allow you to order your labs for yourself. The standard blood work that you are used to seeing for your yearly physicals is not helpful (or you would be better by now).

Will medical insurance pay for lab testing?

We do not bill insurance on your behalf and do not accept any form of medical insurance. However, you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement or utilize your HSA or FSA account.

We aren’t in the insurance game because insurance dictates too widely what is best for you, and only you know what is best for you. We want to see you get better and not need us, that is a goal that insurance cannot dictate.

How long will our consultations be?

Dr. Keesha meets with every new client for 85 minutes (complex new intake) to 55 minutes (standard new intake).

Follow-up lab results will be reported by Dr. Keesha in the following manner:

• If you had 1 or 2 tests run, your consultation will last for 25 minutes.

• If you had 2-4 tests run, your consultation will last for 40-55 minutes.

• Further follow up consultations will be scheduled for 15-, 25-, 40- or 55-minute intervals for monitoring and to answer questions or adjust your plan.

How much can I expect to spend? 

For new intake consultations the cost is $597 for a 60-minute new patient visit. First time follow up visits are 25 minutes for $298.50. Remember that at least one visit with our nutritionist is mandatory. The costs of testing and supplements are not included in the cost of new patient visits.

Your lab tests will cost between $90 and $390 each. You can start a wellness program with only one lab test depending on what is going on with you. Your initial consultation investment, plus your lab findings and follow-up consultation with Dr. Keesha, are each individual charges. Supplements will be an extra charge.

Please consider your wellness program an investment in your health that you put money toward each month for 6-8 months and even up to a year (depending on the severity of your problem). Our team’s mission is to empower you to learn how to do this for yourself. That is why Dr. Keesha encourages everyone who is interested in health and healing to take the Integrative Medicine Health Coaching Certification Program. During the program you will learn how to read your own lab results, treat them, and then turn around and help others do the same as a source of income for yourself. This is an investment in you that can pay for itself and more!

We aren’t in the insurance game because insurance dictates too widely what is best for you, and only you know what is best for you. We want to see you get better and not need us, that is a goal that insurance cannot dictate.

What about my medical insurance?

Medical insurance doesn’t pay for what we do. The Western mainstream health model does not provide true preventive medicine, nor does it pay for it. We call mammograms preventive medicine, when in reality mammography is a screening tool for current disease. Prevention is preventing disease. This means food is medicine.

We will provide you with a superbill with CPT codes for you to bill your own insurance company. We do not write letters or communicate with your place of employment or your insurance company directly.

Do you prescribe bio-identical hormones?

Yes, we use high quality bio-identical hormone compounds that we prescribe as needed according to your lab testing.

How often do I re-test?

Dr. Keesha recommends re-testing after 5-6 months of the start of your initial program. After you have entered the maintenance phase, she recommends you follow the same program she herself follows: yearly testing to check in and make sure you are still at optimal health function.

What are your shipping policies and what does shipping cost?

Supplement Shipping Fees: Our supplement shipping and handling charge is a flat rate of $9.95 per order. 

• Due to the nature of our high quality requirements for raw materials and warehouse locations, you may receive your order in separate shipments.

• Orders can ship from different warehouses depending on the items ordered.

• Orders are packaged and shipped by the warehouses in 1 to 3 business days via USPS.

• Delivery is 7-10 business days and actual delivery date will vary depending on what day the order was placed.

• There may be an instance where an item is back ordered. In that instance, it will be shipped as soon as it is in stock.

• Supplement shipping and handling charges are per order only. Separate shipments from the same order will not incur additional shipping/handling charges.

NOTE: We only ship supplements to addresses within the continental U.S.* 

Book Shipping Fees: Our book shipping and handling charge is a $8 per book. 

Lab Test Shipping Fees: Our lab test shipping and handling fees vary by test and range from $9.95 to $60.  

NOTE: Some labs are available for shipping internationally. There is a $60 shipping and handling charge for shipment of those labs.

How can I set up an account on the store?

Watch this video to learn how to set up an account on Dr. Keesha's store:


Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


© Copyright | Dr. Keesha Ewers 2023

© Copyright | Dr. Keesha Ewers 2023