Welcome to our Store!
Demystifying Detox - Dr. Keesha’s 28 day LIVE detox program
Learn how to stay off the detox-retox roller coaster! Join Dr. Keesha for a 28 day deep dive into how she implements and uses her different practices for self-care on all levels – Body, Mind and Spirit.
Transform Your Trauma in 7 Steps Course
Discover why underlying trauma must be addressed to allow adrenal, hormonal and gut imbalances to heal. Learn how to track emotional trauma, and tools for reversing it.
You Unbroken
Mandalas, from the Sanskrit word for "circle," symbolize the universe in Eastern traditions. They represent life's cycle, echoing the vastness of our existence. These intricate designs serve as a focal point for spiritual seekers. Personally, I adore coloring mandalas because it engages a neglected part of our brain in today's fast-paced world.
The Libido Cure® Program
Heal your Libido Fatigue forever with this unique online coaching program! Dr. Keesha’s scientifically validated and time proven secrets to curing the root causes for low libido will stoke your fire and ignite your life!
WILD Woman Program
(Whole Individualized Life Detox)
The WILD Woman program is the most comprehensive detox program you've ever seen. It includes many strategies for detoxing your whole life; your body, emotional blocks, your environment
Healing Sexual Shame and Trauma
Dr. Keesha’s Revolutionary 5-step method for unblocking your energy, passion, and joy.
Heal your Libido Fatigue forever with this unique online coaching program! Dr. Keesha’s scientifically validated and time proven secrets to curing the root causes for low libido will stoke your fire and ignite your life!
The Autoimmune Enneagram
The Autoimmune Enneagram is a program designed to help you accelerate your self-awareness, to overcome your self-limiting beliefs and habits, to create a healthy relationship to your body, food, other people, and to life. It’s a beautiful doorway into you and a journey of self-discovery and healing of trauma.
The Marital Love Affair Course
Knowing HOW to keep the Romance, Vitality, and Passion in your marriage is as important as WANTING to! In a series of three, 90-minute online classes, Dr. Keesha Ewers and Dr. Keith Witt will share with you the practical steps that you can take in your own life to renew the Passion, Romance, and Ardor in your marriage.
Dr. Keesha's Forgiveness Program
This program is your ticket to liberation. It’s not just about breaking free from physical pain or disease; it’s about shedding worries, anxiety, and the mental confines that hold you back—what I term as mind-traps. But why label a physical ailment as a mind-trap? Because the moment you believe you're not free, that belief can become your reality. Think about it—your mindset shapes your perception of freedom. By breaking the mental barriers, you pave the way for true liberation.
This isn't just about overcoming physical hurdles; it's about unshackling yourself from the constraints that limit your potential—mentally, emotionally, and physically. It's time to redefine freedom and embrace a life liberated from the chains of pain, worry, and self-imposed limitations.
Stress Busting Tool Kit
Welcome to the most incredible stress-busting, disease reversing, pain relieving technique ever invented!
Creating a Calm Space Within
Audio and practice worksheet.
Connecting To Your Spirit Guides
21 Day Quick Start Program
21 days of emails that get you started on living a vitality filled life. Dr. Keesha's favorite strategies, ideas, products, recipes, and lots of encouragement. Plus, you will be added to our Woman’s Vitality private Facebook community.
Dr. Keesha's 5-Day Abundance Challenge
Learn skills to overcome self-limiting beliefs and manifest abundance in your love life, finances, health, and professionally!
Join Dr. Keesha and your tribe and bring in the New Year with Intention and Purpose. When one of us succeeds we lift the others up. The rising tide lifts all boats.